Belief Statements

  1. We believe parents are the primary educators of their children.

  2. We believe we are blessed to support them in that pursuit.

  3. We believe prayer and the resulting relationship with Jesus is foundational to education.

  4. We believe our mission is to form disciples of Christ.

  5. We believe in loving our students in the ways that Christ taught us.

  6. We believe in the importance of teaching community and serving the common good.

  7. We believe in the arts and the beauty that comes from using them to praise God.

  8. We believe students can only thrive when they feel safe. And Catholic schools provide a safe and loving environment.

  9. We believe our faith allows us to persevere in times of crisis.

  10. We believe in teaching Sacramental Awareness and this helps our students recognize that God’s love and grace surrounds them.

  11. We believe our students are the “greatest work of the Church”.

  12. We believe every human life is sacred because we are created in the image of God. And we believe we’re obligated to teach this to our students.

Belief Statements CDOP_OCS_February 2022